Cool type news is that I may go hang out with people I know from Green Dragon some time... no read on how that'd go, but it would definitly be cool to do. Of course, technically there is the "wake up in a hotel room missing a kidney" possibility, I think thats doubtful. Main thing is since theres a whole group that know one another, its a bit different than if, say, it was just one person. And of course, hanging could be cool. Not in the.... gallows way.
Went to a Local Group Meeting for the first time in a while last night...i'm gonna have to start showing up at those things more. Some great people and great stuff. I've been away from it too long.
On another note, i have yet to understand why people continue to speed excessivly and drive recklessly in this valley. Time and time again, people die doing it, and people continue to do so. Tom went to a memorial for someone he knew that was the passenger of a car that crashed on Sierra Hwy going...80 or 85, i think it was. Its just stupid. Not to be callous though, but i think one of the problems is no one ever says that these kids were stupid. It doesn't mean they were overall bad, just that, at the time they died, they were being stupid. And thats a message taht needs to get driven home more. Don't drive stupidly, or you end up dead. But then, thats a message that this valley won't be hearing for a while yet.
ok, Saturday was a demonstration that my willpower is horrible. So I went down to Best Buy because I had to get a birthday gift for Katie (this'll be discussed more later), and I decided that while I was there, I'd pick up a couple things for myself. So, I grabbed the Roger and Me and Jersey Girl DVDs, and a Rammstein CD. I was heading up to get a gift card when I stopped to look at the bargain DVD rack. Oh such a bad mistake. While I was browsing someone called my name and it happened to be Katie. Convieniently, when I showed her what I was getting, she said she just wanted Jersey Girl. This part was beneficial. Now, where things went wrong...I turned back to the DVD rack. In the end, I got a total of 5 dvds from that bargain dvd rack, overall including the following movies:
the poseidon adventure, night of the living dead, king of the zombies, the monster maker, lady frankenstein, sisters of death, bloody pit of horror, horrors of spider island, nightmare castle, the phantom from space, the phantom from 10,000 leagues, and the phantom planet.
THe Poseidon Adventure is on there entirely because of its being featured on I love the 70s on VH1.
Anyways, came home for a while, then went out to BJ's for Katie's party. As a quick fill-in...I've known Katie since elementary school....her mom used to work with my mom at Santa Clarita Elem.'s library, and I get a ride from her Tuesdays to take advantage of her getting better parking. Good ol' handicapped spots. You may also know of her as Karl's neighbor. Anyways, so she invited me to her 21st birthday party for sat, and of course, it sounded like fun so i said yeah. so it was a few hours at BJs, then the party relocated back to her house. Then the fun began. This is mostly since, back at her house, things just broke into discussion, and so from like 7:30 or 8 till 12:30, i was just there, and there was talking, and political debate at the end and mild levels of drinking for the legal people. It as great. Like, this was the sort of party I wish I could go to from time to time. Definitly a blast. Good food, good conversations, and too many witnesses for Karl to molest me.
Skipping up to Monday...well, Monday was another wow type day. I knew Bryan and Chris were down waiting for the Star Wars DVDs. But I had school...so when I got home from that, I gave Chris a call...in part as there was a message of some sort of panic, as they tried to get me to believe Bryan was taken to the hospital after getting hit by a car. Anyways, they passed the phone around the line, guys hit on me, so it was really everything just being normal.
Anyways, after work, I called down there again, and then decided to go for it, so I drove down there and got there around 9:30. It was same offramp as to get to Liz's uncle's place, so I knew the tricks of the freeway on my way there. Got there, found Chris at the front of the line...in talking with him I slipped into rant mode and some guy filmed it. So, taht was awesome. Went and got in line, and had a great time just talking with people around where i was about star wars everything....collections, the changes, music, the holiday special, fan films. especially holiday special. that was just great to talk about. anyways, so i was back there for a while. they also did the trivia thing, and when they came by the first time, there were all questions taht a lot of people knew, so it was tough to get to answer. When they came by a second time though, with just one last question, i had it made. The question was "han solo's pants have these markings on them" and i was jumping up and down waving my arms. so i got to answer corellian blood stripes and win. my shining moment. i also got to watch the guy that was dressed as maul try to get the attention of ucla sorrority girls that were across the street. wow it didn't work at all.
eventually, tim came back to bring me up to where he, rem, caroline, and someone i didn't know all were. up in front 50. so of course i went. while i was up there...firstly, tim gave me the shirt he had for being in the first 50. Tim, for this, you rule. Then, during the raffle, one of my great moments was how the line had to yell out the names so people further back could hear. So....one guy was something anderson. everyone yells out the name. Then, as it quiets, I yell "Mr. Anderson!" in the closest impression i got. enough to get laughter out of people.
Finally.....the time came, we got to go in, and I bought the fullscreen version. got outside, we all sorted out who was to have what copies, and i headed home with a version fullscreen and a version widescreen.
Thus far, i've watched most of the documentary stuff, plus ANH and ESB. I don't like some of the content changes, but other than that there is rulage. A full summary will be up when i've watched it all.
Tutoring is going well, and I think i'm up to a steady amount each week, so now I just need to see if i can get some flyers made up and get maybe two more people a week. School is also going ok, things staying in a nice middle of the road path. Though I've now met someone in my journalism class that, well, not only is she a Republican, but she thinks that Bush is hot. Soo....thats sorta noteworthy. Interesting to talk to and all...just, i've never heard that before.
There'll be more later, but this gets down the gist of things of late.
Don't think this'll get filled out, and if it does, i fear...but under suggestion since otherwise i don't do this stuff:
01. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
02. Am I loveable?
03. How long have you known me?
04. When and how did we first meet?
05. What was your first impression?
06. Do you still think that way about me now?
07. What do you think my weakness is?
08. Do you think I'll get married?
09. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. Are you going to put this on your blog and see what I say about you?
Also going on....they changed L.A. county's seal...for pointless reasons. Apparently its an endorsement of religion to show that the missions were christian on the seal. There are petitions online at www.ourfirstamendment.org, so check that one out too. I'll be getting them as soon as I can. Cuz thats just how I am.
My notes on tutoring: Making money! WOOT!
I'm also considering putting some work into putting together some fancy type study guides for the various math levels and seeing if I can get approval to sell them via the high schools or something. If it'd work, it'd be a great way of adding to income, but it'd be really time consuming to do. But, there is so much the books don't explain clearly and teachers don't even bother to touch, so it might well pay off.
Who'll be number 10?
Other news.....yesterday saw a table at csun trying to get people registered Republican. So... wonder if they got ANYONE that way.
Also, was late to school today because a car was on its side at Nordhoff and Havenherst. Convieniently, my professor was later than I was. So thats the important thing, really. I also am now the news guru amungst the students in my Journalism class. So I rule.
The forum is having ups and downs, but as the ups are alright, i shall delude myself into beliving i have a social life for a while. http://cleveronlynot.proboards25.com
I would like to commend Chris. For those that never thought they'd see that said here...i'll say it again. I would like to commend Chris. He has proven himself to be the only one of courage within the Santa Clarita Valley. Or only one with courage that also had nothing to do at all last weekend. Either way, Sunday afternoon he and I launched out on our expedition with a map that was very out of date. The target, to hunt the elusive sun. We were mainly in the area north of Copper Hill off Haskell, in areas that he and I weren't really aware of as existing. Wow theres some good vantage points hidden back there. Overall, some 8 or 9 sites were determined and, when possible, mapped. Chris attempted to add on to the map for the streets that weren't on it. To this I can only say wow. Just wow. That poor map... if cartography was in the Special Olympics... Chris'd be losing. Along the note, new pics of sunsets from last week are gonna be up at DeviantART when I have the time to get to it.
School this week has been unbearably uncool. Monday there were three traffic incidents between here and CSUN. This, added to the fact that there was a "special event" at CSUN meant that I had to park an estimated 1 mile away from my class, after I had gone through 7 full parking lots. And the places I could've passed were all one hour. I ended up being 50 minutes late to my class cuz of this.
Today, carpooled with Katie, which meant good parking what with the handicapped placard. As I woke up rather sick, I very much didn't want to go but I didn't have much of a choice. I have found that I really don't get much out of the professor for my linear algebra class. And the book has been insufficent. This has been learned from the test I had in there today that I think went very poorly. Because it wasn't so much "do stuff" as it was "how would one do this for arbitrary constants"? which is just more troublesome all around.
At the moment though things are most distressing. It is 11, but I am barely awake. I do not think not sleeping much last night was good, at least so early in the week. It will be tricky to remain concious. At least I did alright through 2 hours of tutoring tonight. Good ol' money earning stuff.
As a side note...while it has yet to happen...the "see a doctor" pressures continue to rise, having spread to school. So I think i'm gonna get bugged on this nearly daily till i bother to walk over to the health center and the counciling other one thing.
Secondly, prizes and expeditions mentioned in the post before this one, so check it out.
Today was notable in that I spent the evening half hour or so running around parts of Valencia trying to find viewpoints of the sun. Pics will be up, if they're not junk, some time after I get them developed. Or before, if I'm lucky.
I'm having real problems with my views on life, which are rather radical. My main issue is that i believe that those that are a drain on society are best if removed from said society. Not that I advocate active removal..."active darwinism" as it has been called, just that I see it as good when the stupidet and most useless are no longer a part of our society, as I consider this to just be an extension of Darwinism. However, this does have one main drawback, which is that I'm rather not fond of the idea of myself being removed. However, I fall into the catagory that should be removed. Thusly, my ideals for a better society are countered by my desire for self-preservation on some level. Consequentially, this has led to problems as I have found, when one's beliefs clash with one another, it is hard to relax. Moreso, the latter triggers my guilt over how I'm selfishly ignoring my first rule, that society is better with the weakest links removed. In short, this is very frustrating, as this continues to be constant fuel for one of the many elements of my lovely guilt complex that I have going.
The most difficult part of this whole thing is, probably, also just the overall sense that I continue to be an imposition on life as a whole. This is, naturally, problematic when one feels that one is intruding on life. I sometimes wonder if this is just from my general views of both life and myself, or if this would be less of an issue if there was a place or a group or a purpose that I felt I actually fit in and belonged to or with. But thats just trying to guess at how my mind works which, as i've come to learn, is very difficult and yields few results.
Something that I had tried to include in the last post but Blogger lost...a discussion of the New York Times. I was reading it the other day and there was an article about how the number of deaths in Iraq has now surpassed the 1,000 mark. There are, however, some remarks I'd like to make about this article, and how it was written, as I did take much issue with it. This is an abrreviated version.
Issue #1...women. Only 2% of those that have died in iraq are women (24 total). However, the majority of the section on women was from talking to a woman that argued how its a horrible thing that there hasn't been front page coverage every time a woman has died. of course, this would in no way be fair the nearly 1000 men that have died for this country in Iraq. I believe in equality, that men and women should, when in equal or relativly equal roles, be treated the same. To give coverage to some and not others just based on sex would be, in my opinion, ridiculous. Further, she went on to talk about how bad it is that we are letting women near the front lines because we seem to not be realising that violence against women is wrong. I think this simply showed how sexist she was. Those that have died haven't died because of gender, its been because they are AMERICANS. Every person thats died, male or female, died because they were American Armed Services, and there is no reason other than that. I consider "violence against women" to be violence targeted against people because they are women, and thats wrong. Then again, I think violence in general is wrong. But that she has the nerve to act like its ok and expected for men to die, but act like its some great mistake only when women are volunteering to be on the front lines is just outright sexist junk.
Issue #2...The Hispanics. (note, thats how they titled it as well) So, it seems that back in 1996, the armed forces were criticised for not having enough Hispanics in the forces. So, they tried to recruit more in the face of the criticism. Come 2001, when we entered war status, there was new criticism, now that there were so MANY hispanics. The article makes a case for this criticism of over representation. Now, heres my problem with this.... first, it wasn't like they knew we were going to war and so tried to recruit hispanics. They just tried to be more diverse, which I thought was a good thing. Second, its not like this was a forced thing where you could argue there was an unfair system. Everyone enlisted of THEIR OWN FREE WILL.
Issue #3...reservists....really skipping over this point, but....they signed up, and there was a chance of this when they did so. While I agree they are seeing more comabt than they should, they're in no position to complain just because someone called their bluff and they're being expected to serve now. They signed up, after all.
Issue #4...this is the big one. This article had this big thing going about how the deaths were making many families question the war effort. Now, they kept bringing this up....but they talked to, i think it was....6 people that lost family or close friends in Iraq. While a few didn't say anythign politically, the ones that did all said that they SUPPORT the war effort still, take pride in the sacrifices made for the U.S., and SUPPORT bush. Now, my point isn't bush vs kerry here. I really don't want to get into that. However, the only person that was talked to supporting the idea that the death toll is changing republicans to voting for Kerry is the head of the Nebraska Democratic Party. So theres not even one quote to back up what the article is claiming about how the death toll will effect voting. This is just outright shoddy journalism. Make whatever point you want, but at least HAVE evidence to make it. Just because you say it doesn't mean its true.
Also, don't forget http://cleveronlynot.proboards25.com which is dying if not dead, and must live again. I've decided that there will be a $20 gift card to best buy that will go to whoever is the most active over then next month. though, anyone that i decide is just spamming, will lose and it'll go to the highest number of posts over the next month that actually contribute.
Now recap time....
Monday....was home all day cuz I could relax and my parents were gone till late that night. Somewhere in the evening, though, Tom and I were sitting around talking when the radio turned on by itself. So that was rather unnerving.
Then much of the week has basicly just been school. My DeviantART site has been getting updates every day though, so i'm up to 17 photos thus far, and i intend to increase the number by 2 a day till i'm done. This should be a couple weeks more to go, though I'm about to start going to start scanning stuff again. Also very fun just because I like getting comments on it all. Very much awesome. Jumping around back to school again, though, I'm finally back to the point where I'm getting into the swing of things again. I had my first test in a class this semsiter tuesday of this week. Which, i was very worried about, especially because I spent 35 minutes of the test on just one problem. Of course, what ended up being really cool about it is that I got the full amount for that problem. I was glad there. Overall, I had a 68....which, was initially rather worrisome until the rest of the scores were discussed and I found out the high was a 69 and that the test scores aren't broken down like normal. so....its cool, i think. Now for the tests I'll have next week. Yesterday was also host to a spur-of-the-moment tracking out of sunset thing. Hopfully it was successful, but they'll get developed eventually. this is also connected to the stuff at the top.
As of this week, I have now decreed that I have two heros. I normally don't do this, but I've decided that it is time to do so. Now then, the first is one of the guys from www.moorewatch.com, who I suggest checking out there. His user name is "Paratrooper" and he's been posting articles countering various arguments from Moore and Fahrenheit 9/11. Now, I want to clarify, though, that I'm not talking about him being a hero for his political views, but for how he presents it. His arguements are very cohesive, and heavily supported by facts that he references. He makes his point, but he doesn't twist it with interpretation, opinion, misquotation, and unsubstantiated facts. Or, you know....just making them up. You can still disagree with his overall statement, but he does a very good job of making his case objectivly, and that is the part that I don't think can be debated. Hero number two is Foamy, from www.illwillpress.com because I got the CD for him today. And the viewpoints are just great, and I forsee listening to this muchly. It is so totally awesome. Plus, I think the general appeal of Foamy means that people that wouldn't otherwise be aware of this all have it brought up with them. So, I'd say this is very good, as I am supportive of ANYTHING that leads to people thinking about issues and becoming more educated.
Thoughts over the past week.....
interesting license plate frame I saw.... something along the lines of "#1 dad of princess katlin." now, the question i have here is... doesn't this imply that theres like..... a #2 and #3 dad as well? I just find it bizarre to some sense.
There are some other thoughts.... but i've now forgotten just what they are. So this might get edited to add on what the other thoughts I had going were, cuz I can't remember atm.
Anyways...friday was a boring day, as I recall, for the most part. Think i was just home the whole rest of the day. Saturday was better though. My parents are in northern california as of yesterday, so since Tom has all his performances, I've got the house to myself, so this is cool. Also, yesterday late afternoon I went down to CSUN to meet up with a couple of people from my physics class. We went and then saw Pappartzi (which has been horribly spelled here for..um...dramatic purposes and sybolism) which is a feel good movie about killing members of said papparatzi. Given my feelings towards this element of the media...I thoroughly enjoyed it. Its fairly predictable...but its a fun movie. And the crowd reactions are great. I actually will go so far as to recommend it.
On a $$ front....while I'm still gonna need time to recover from assorted recent costs, both school and Liz related....work is really picking up faster than I thought, and so it looks like i'm up to about 5 hours of work each week already. And this will hopfully go up even more in the coming weeks. If i can get back to 200+ a week before the end of the month, I'll be very very happy. Though I'm still considering getting a weekend job too.
ANd Tuesday or wednesday will be "spend a bunch of money at best buy" day as i feel like increasing my dvd and cd collections. Any suggestions for stuff to get is totally welcome...currently though the list i'll be picking stuff off of is
DVDs: Jersey Girl; Clerks collectors edition; Good Will Hunting; Family Guy volume two; Faulty Towers; Aquateen Hunger Force; Roger & Me; The Graduate
CDs (or at least...groups to get CDs of): Lords of Acid; Toby Keith; Cure; Phil Ochs; Rammstein
Soundtracks of: Last Samurai; Kill Bill 2; Moulin Rouge

not pictured are the laserdiscs....but this is all the other stuff i've got, excluding my own recordings or anything audio based or not officially sanctioned or stuff like that. there will be a lager picture to come after the OT DVD release. What is pictured though (left to right):
top: ANH, ESB, and ROTJ on CED.
second row: OT from..98 or 99, i think; TPM on VHS; TPM case; TPM on VHS collector's edition; TPM DVD
third row: SE full screen trilogy; OT trilogy from when SE came out; ANH on VHS original version; ANH on Beta; RotJ on Beta; AOTC on DVD
fourth row: Making of Star Wars VHS

heres the jeep hitting 170000 mph. i mean....miles. this happened on the 405. you can also see i'm going nearly 60 at the time.

no real purpose, i just took this driving to school today for no reason and it looks cool.

A literal screenshot from "Bowling for Columbine" by Michael Moore. This scene is when they're talking about Africanized killer bees. Now whats the big deal here? Now, I could be picky and say that the gulf of mexico is distorted, or that Texas should look bigger than New Mexico or Arizona, but lets cut to the chase. Look at California. Now, california borders mexico and is directly attached to Baja California. Normally. In this, california and baja california are totally seperated. And so I ask you, "what the heck?"
Since it came up that I was "antisocial" monday night following Garden State... and I wasn't saying what I was up to....you can see what I was up to at DeviantArt here now that its up there. I've got some other poetry since then to go up later.
Blowing scores from Tuesday night are as follows (this may be replaced with a scan):
Game one
Liz 58
Mike 54
Chris 87
Game two
Liz 64
Mike 140
Chris 62
Game three
Liz 55
Mike 82
Chris 65
And finally.....my college schedule!
Monday: Journalism 110 9-11:50
Physics 226 12-12:50
Math 280 1-1:50
Tuesday: Math 262 9:30-10:50
Physics 226 12-12:50
Wednesday: Journalism 110 9-11:50
Physics 226 12-12:50
Math 280 1-1:50
Thursday: Math 262 9:30-10:50
Physics 226 12-12:50
Physics 220BL 2-4:50 or something. ends early anyways
Friday: Math 280 1-1:50
ok, i said i'd recap sunday, but its been a while so i'll go over stuff quickly. basicly, Liz and I went to magic mountain, and she had the fun of dealing with the Mike curse. rides have tendancies around me, and in this case, it was X breaking down for like an hour. Oh how they spite me so. Finally went on Scream, and that was pretty good....better than I'd expected from what I'd heard. and I actually knew someone that was working at Jetstream, so that was unexpected. Bummer parts were Liz being sick and all, and also that her drink spilled in her purse, so that all, and a false alarm from Jennie, led to us leaving earlier than I'd figured, but hopfully it balanced out overall.
Monday I finally got the ok that I could be accepted into Journalism 110, so that was a good thing. It'll be mentioned later. Got through all my classes, so the day went alright. Then had a bit of work, and went to look at buying new monitors. Then after some annoying confusion, got things sorted out to go down to Santa Monica with Jennie and Bryan, meet up with Liz, and see Garden State. I drove, in part since that way I knew what the arragements were and they couldn't change again without me knowing in theory, and also in part since I figured i know the way there best and where we were going and all that. I know the Santa Monica area oddly well now. Wonder why. As for the movie itself, it was really good. It seemed to me as fairly depressing, but thats just me, though irregardless of that, I'd recommend it, doesn't take away from it being a really good movie overall. An outlet of the depression ensuing will be linked to later. Got home late though...and on the way home I know that Bryan slept as he said he would....I couldn't see Jennie though, so some questions remain there....but eh.
Tuesday I skipped going to school to head down to Santa Monica again. After breakfast/lunch and some driving around and assorted other stuff that eludes me for time being, Liz and I returned to SCV. I took sepulvida from wilshire to just past...i think it's mission. Either way, its the best time i've ever made in the san fernando valley during traffic, so that was cool. I'm gonna definitly remember it for future instances. Stopped by Saugus Cafe so that Liz could get food and A.C. and stuff, then there was calling for bowling. Got hold of Chris and recruited him first. He, of course, left his house and locked himself out even though he didn't have keys. Good job Chris. Jennie also decided to come along. Overall, the bowling went pretty good...and I did better than I thought I would, especially the second game, where I got 140. The scores'll be up later, possibly. Suppose it was for most part fun....though it was plagued with the same petty junk there often is now...but can't do much about that. least it wasn't as bad as usual. Also, apparently Chris was once in a bowling league. This was most surprising. Never know what was in his past really. Its strange. Anyways, after some really frustrating stuff, things eventually led to being at Jennie's house for MST3K, during which I was atrying and failing at some physics homework. Still though, with two SW fans and one that just knows plenty of SW, the home version was plenty fun on top of the normal MST3Kness. Then I dropped Liz and Kristal off at Kristal's house, followed by returning Chris to his house too. I took this opportunity to show that I could drive successfully with my knee. I went from Garzota to Tupelo like this, and even changed lanes smoothly. Oh the things one learns to do when stuck in traffic. I still can't turn though. yet. I think this was also the night that I finally switched the monitors to get this computer up again.
Wednesday was less than eventful, though. School, which went fairly smoothly, I suppose. Meant I got things taken care of for my journalism class, and then work after. Two hours, so I'm getting back into the rhythm of things. This is a good thing. I want money again. Or to be earning money again, rather. Nothing else really happened yesterday, as I think I was just too tired and lazy to really do anything. Go me.
Today was first day of physics lab, so that was interesting. It went really smoothly though, and me and my partner were the first done, so thats good. Also, looks like I'm going to a movie Saturday, being organised by the two girls in my physics class, so that sounds fun. Ever so slowly, I may almost be making friends through school. Hows that for a scary thought? And I say the two because theres only 5 people in the class total anyways. Maybe 6. No idea what'll be seen though, but it was an upswing to the day. I've also now cleaned the inside of the windows of the chupathingie, which is way overdue. But at least its now done.
Of course, I think today also needs particular mention as early today (before one is early in my world) Liz left to go home. Which is a real bummer, imo. I so rarely get the chance to hang out with someone and just have things be laid back and fun. Least, of such a laid back nature as things were. And stuff did keep interesting. Still though, the whole thing did just continue to validate my theory that you can get very accurate ideas of what people are like via the net, and its not like all people have two different personalities, one online and one off. Least, thats what I've noticed....Liz may have a different take on that. Still though, was much fun. Of course, with such things come costs and stuff. Don't know quite how much I spent.....but I do haev a rough estimate of driving involved. To the nearest I can estimate, for Liz related purposes (driving her around or driving to and from Santa Monica) I drove 1350 miles, or, according to my milage and all, $150 worth of gas. This was all in.....a span of 13 days, too. But a good 13 days. I need to get more people flying about to keep things fun and interesting for me. But so yeah, it made for a good change, which was nice....theres a surprise....me endorsing change.
Also a noteworthy thing of today....as a step of me bowing to pressure being put on me from a couple sources... atm Liz and Alissa come to mind off the bat, I've now been looking into the counseling services that CSUN offers. I don't really relish the thought... but the pressure has been mounting, and now that I'm looking at possible eating disorders on top of the ol' depression, paranoia, self-destructive behaviors, and whatever else i got going on, well, its an arguement I keep losing now. Also that I never thought I'd ever be in a situation that I'd be losing arguements when I'm trying to make the claim that I'm fat....but somehow that still happens. So it seems like i'll be looking into that. Joy. I'll also probably be looking into some sort of physical check-up at some point also....though I mean, ideally I want to deal even less with that than with the psychological stuff. Least i think theres no costs involved, so its not [i]that[/i] bad. Still bad though. And at least maybe then i'll be able to justify myself in saying I'm crazy. And in the end, I'll be right! Mwa ha ha!
The next entry will be a short one that'll just be covering links that are mentioned in the above or past posts, plus some images, and what my class schedule looks like now that its ssettled out, so be on the lookout for that as I pretend that that interests people and that you're still reading. Then again, if you're reading this, you're still reading. Just no one else. Se we can talk about them behind their backs now. Yeah, that [i]is[/i] funny how they do that.